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Grow your business with us!

We are very proud of our top quality products which also include most of the latest trend for all ages. Our knowledge, experience, range of products make us very competitive in order to serve you in the whole process of making a successful business for mange years!


Our first meetings we will address all your needs, wants, budget-range, location, demographic, goals, theme, design etc.

Here we either see your drawings or if needed we visit your location in order see the possibilities together. The phase is really important in order to get a good start, build up the trust and expectations for the further process.

All ideas must come to the table, and our experience and knowledge will often be helpful in the part of the phase. The earlier you involve us the better, and hopefully cheaper and better will the final result be.


After having addressed how you want it, we can start up the next phase. Here we do the drawings often in both 2D and 3D. Its important for you to know what you get and the fact that you can be involved as much as possible so we actually meet your expectations.

This phase more or less define the end result and the total price.


The agreement phase is another important phase in order to succeed. This phase will in writing define the rights, guarantees, responsibilities, products etc. A well developed agreement will make the process smoother, reduce the issues and conflicts in short and long term.

FECs responsibility is clarified in this phase, and the will do all we can to make it at least as good as possible, within the given timeframe etc.


We are a full service supplier, and delivery time is when we prepare everything needed before opening. All customers have different needs, but gladly support with communication and meetings in order to make all the rutines, staff and other important aspects ready before installation phase starts.

The scale and complexity of the project will decide how much preparation the process will require, but this phase is very important so we make sure everything is ready before it all starts.


This is mainly our responsibility. It is important that the location is ready for us, but this part of the process is mainly our experts and amazing workers' time to shine.

Other preparations will continue in this phase, and the communication and collaboration is more important than ever in this part.

Support and service

It is finally time for you to shine! Your dream project is finally ready for opening and our fantastic work, preparation and communication have made us more ready than we expected. It will always be hard work to meet customers expectations, however, the well-developed skills, customer service and staff are ready to make that important work and effort every day.

FEC Concept will continue to fulfill our part of the deal depending on your needs and wishes. We deliver also after-sales service if you want, additionally to guarantees etc.

Popular products

We are very proud of our top quality products which also include most of the latest trend for all ages. What we do not deliver ourselves, we have researched
the market for top quality partners that will make the job easier and cheaper for you than by going directly to the same companies.